Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) (Hindi: अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद), is an all India student organization working in the field of education. ABVP was founded in 1948 and formally registered on 9 July 1949.
ABVP was started in 1948 after Indian Independence with the objective of channeling students' energy in the task of national reconstruction. It was founded by a group of students and teachers and registered on 9 July 1949. ABVP has gradually spread its work across various universities in India. The group runs projects and programmes aimed at national integration and using social consciousness to solve the economic and other problems. They also run programmes designed to improve the abilities of individual students. Thus ABVP conducts Book-Bank, Students' Vacation Employment Bureau, First Class First Felicitation Functions, Inter Collegiate and inter-University Music Competitions, Painting Competitions, Literary Competitions, Student- Writers' Meets, Sports Meets, Social Participation Campus, Personality Development Camps, Technical, Medical, Management, Agri Students Workshops, Technical Exhibitions, Indo-Foreign Students' Bureau, Study Circles and Art Circles, Students' Experience in inter-state Living, My Home is India, Students for Development etc.